SeMin Park's Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio! I am a 2021 graduate from Portland State University with a degree in Computer Engineering. Here you will find a compilation of my work completed over the years from school, internships or personal projects.

Pharmaceutical Compounding Filler

A system capable of producing personalized medications and therapeutics semi-automatically with reliance on nanoemulsion technologies to engineer the dosage form for improved efficacy compatibility with the precision of the system.

Smart Lock

A smart alternative for a conventional lock improving home security and eliminating potential inconsistencies with the help of newer technologies including keypad unlocks, ai assistant unlocks, and more.

UART/I2C Driver

A project delving into bus protocols, specifically establishing I2C and UART connections from BeagleBoneBlack to external devices.

RISC-V ISA Simulator

A simulation of a RISC-V ISA level architecture. The simulator implements the RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set.

Cache Simulator

A simulation of a single level cache with a framework that includes keeping track of blocks being brought into and evicted from the cache.

Frequency Driven Display

A four filter circuit designed to take sound or music as input and light up different displays of LEDs in correspondence to the frequency level of the sound.

CMPE Class List

Freshman Year

ECE 102 - Engineering Computation
ECE 103 - Engineering Programming
ECE 171 - Digital Circuits
ECE 172 - Digital Systems

Sophomore Year

ECE 212 - Engineering Project Development
ECE 221 - Electrical Circuit Analysis I
ECE 222 - Electrical Circuit Analysis II
ECE 223 - Electrical Circuit Analysis III

Junior Year

ECE 315 - Signals and Systems
ECE 321 - Electronics
ECE 331 - Electromagnetics
ECE 351 - Hardware Description Language
ECE 361 - Computer System Organization
ECE 362 - Embedded Operating Systems
ECE 371 - Microprocessors
ECE 372 - Microprocessor Interfacing/Embedded Systems
ECE 373 - Embedded Operating Systems and Device Drivers
ECE 425 - Digital Integrated Circuit Design

Senior Year

ECE 411 - Industry Design Practices
ECE 412 - Senior Project Development I
ECE 413 - Senior Project Development II
ECE 424 - Professional Engineering Practice
ECE 481 - ASIC: Modeling and Synthesis
ECE 585 - Microprocessor System Design
ECE 586 - Computer Architecture

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